Monday, October 26, 2009

District Tournament

Wow... what a nail bitter. Girls, outstanding job in going on to the next phase to State, and guys, I have enjoyed watching you all season, and just can't believe it is over for you as a team, you fought a good fight. It takes a special person to accept defeat, and for the Juniors, Sophomores, and Freshmen, I wish you luck next year, and for the Seniors, I hope you continue running after High School and remember all the joy it has brought you, and the better person it has made you. Dean and Bryan, it's not over for you yet, so stick with it, and there is nothing that is telling me or anyone else that you can not go to the State Championships and win. It's all up to you, and deep down, you know you want it.

Video: Download

Photos: Download

Monday, October 19, 2009

CVC League Meet

What a way to end the regular season on your home turf Harriers!! Ladies, you were awesome, and guys, you did great too!

What I thought was going to be a dreary day, sure turned into a fantastic Perry afternoon, and the weather wasn't bad either.

Now, the fun part of the season starts gang. Don't look back, keep laddering up, and victory will be yours!

Video: Download

Photos: Download

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Pictures Needed

Folks, I apologize, but I was sick this weekend and unable to get down to the Legends meet. If you or your parents to pictures, please let us know and put them on a CD and I will incorporate them into this weeks slide show. You can email me at johnvnelson (at) and I will have someone pick them up on Sunday.

Thanks everyone!!